Update: Richland's Student-Athlete Eligibility Still Pending as Senate Bill 52 Sent to House of Representatives

Update: Richland's Student-Athlete Eligibility Still Pending as Senate Bill 52 Sent to House of Representatives

Caitlynn Guarino, a senior at Richlands High School, faced disappointment when she learned she was not eligible to play her senior year of soccer due to taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Despite multiple attempts to appeal the decision, Caitlynn was left to suffer the consequences until Senate Bill 52 was presented by Senator Michael Lazzara.

The amendment grants the Superintendent of Public Instruction the final authority for high school interscholastic athletic eligibility appeals. The amendment passed with a 46-2 vote out of the Senate. However, Caitlynn's eligibility remains pending as Senate Bill 52 has now been sent to the House of Representatives by special message to receive further debate and consideration.

This new legislation gives hope to students like Caitlynn, who work hard in both academics and athletics. It sets a new precedent for a dated rule and ensures that students are not punished for excelling academically. Caitlynn is still awaiting a final decision on her eligibility, but hopefully, other students will not have to go through the same ordeal in the future.

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